Well a lots of people don't really know whatsengineering and thats includeme before. Thanks to my cousinJoon Sheng a.k.a aElectronic engineeringgraduates. He told me the definition of engineering in a very simple way which I'm gonna share with you all. Ok lets take engineering into War Zone.. Bang! bang! LOL
Ok Engineering divided into5 main category. -Mechanical Engineering -Electronic Engineering -Electrical Engineering -Civil Engineering -Chemical Engineering
In a war zone or you can imagine in awar game, well of cause you need soldiers and man powers. Besides that you need a strong defense wall to protect your base or intruders. ThereforeCivil Engineercame in handy. Civil Engineer will design a high solid wall or building to defense from enemy attack.
Ok now you have strong defense and you are ready to attack!.Well if we only use melee weapon we might have a lots of disadvantage.Chemical Engineerwill mix up elements to form gun powders and bomb and there we have a range weapons.
If enemy base is very far away, the soldiers will be tired from the distance before even reach the base. So theMechanical Engineerwill create tanks, jeeps, boats, and battle ships.
One thing that soldiers are scare of are when they are already surrounded by enemy without even knowing or the base is under attack and need to tell the whole crew to get ready. And nowElectronic Engineer will prepare it all for example, they will design all those radio for communication, sensor or alarm to detect enemy.
Well if you see all those high tech or machines will do without electric? and here comes theElectrical Engineeringwho will will design all those power energy such as battery. So if no power or battery tanker cant move.
So thats his easy way explainingthe theory of Engineering.Well as you can see all the work of the Engineers, they are all connectedif anyone of them is missing there goes that match of what ever war game that you are playing XD. But! we doesn't need to join the army force or etc after studying in engineering XD. Its just an example. HAHA. Engineers is needed toimproveour life style and make the world a much easy and safer place. But in the end all we need now is...
Instructions: Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.
1. What do you expert( more knowledgeable ) on? Computer
2. Have you given your first kiss away? No. Who you think i will give it to? hm....
3. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you? Why? -Ji Mi because he crack jokes XD - Wai Min coz he tagged me =.= -Ellise FOR FUN LOL XD
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most? People thoughts
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be? There is always smiles on people face
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? yes
7. What are you afraid to lose the most now? My free time
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do? buy all the best parts for my CPU , get the fastest internet connection, Charity and of coz give some to parents then keep in bank XD
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? yes..but need sometimes to think about it first
10.List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you. funny, like to shuffle, always disconnected when playing Dota LOL
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? Pretty, open minded and of cause love me
12. Which type of person do you hate the most? I don't really hate a person
13. What is your ambition? Engineer since I'm applying for it
14. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet? both sometime? hehe
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? My health because it will destroy all sorts of thing you wanted to do...
16. Are you a shopaholic or not? No....
17. Find a word to describe the person who tagged you. T-BAG (it is one word LOL)
18. If you have a chance. Which part of your character you would like to change? My shyness XD
19. Whats the last shocking thing you’ve seen or heard? I got more than 5 Credits my SPM's result
20. What makes you feel disappointed? currently nothing HEHE
I am tagging :
1. LilBlue 2.Kok! Siang XD 3. Denise DD! 4. Lynna 5. Nara 6. Ji Mi 7. Shazmiq 8. Candy Crusher
Hey people! I'm here to do a favor to my friend to promote thiscosplayevent!! XD Its call C2 AGE [Cosplay Comic Anime Game Exhibition]. Ya its a cosplay exhibition conduct by my friend Pei Jian(he wants people to call himJian). Heres the details......
Destination :HELP University College Venue :Main Block, Lover Foyer Date :31. 05. 2008 Time :8.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Ya cosplaying stuff. If you are interested you should go ! You can dress as anything you like related to the event. Well I might be going too. But have to see on that day does my cource start. Well I have thought of cosplaying theOrganization XIII in Kingdom Hearts HEHE. Hope I can find the cosplay cloths. Ok thats it people . Sayonara!
Hey people! I'm Back in a flash XD. SO! SPM Result is out and heres my result : 1A: English , Mathematics [2] 4B: Physics, Moral, EST (English in Science and Technology) [3] 5C: Additional Mathematics, Bahasa Melayu [2] 6C: Chemistry, Biology [2] 7D : History [1]
Summary : 21A, 34B, 25C, 26C, 17D [ 10 subjects ]
YATAAAAAAAAAA!!!!I DIDN'TFAILA SINGLE SUBJECT!!! HAHA XD LOL. Now I don't have to worry that I don't have enough Credits to apply college. Credit means at least get C. Well to tell you the truth, I was really scared that i will fail my history XD. But it ended pass HEHE.
Now the WORRIES about my SPM result is gone. But! New worries pop up =.= . I have to thinkwhatI need to study andwhichcollege in10 days!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH God help me >< .Well I thought of going for Engineering, but my sister say dono IF I can handle. So that give me a big thinking..... People keep saying "so going for what now? Computer stuff?" But one thing about I.T. is quite challenging because a lots of people is studying that course and end up couldn't find any job in the future... Problems, problems, problems again =.=
Ok enough of career stufffor today ONLYXD. Lately I have been watching this anime call OnePiece. It is so freaking funny XD . I laugh my *** off every time I watch it. But sometimes also got sad moment and very cool fighting and dueling. This anime start with a boy name Monkey D. Luffy,who wants to be come a pirate king. So he decided to find his nakama (crew). A lots of adventure and funny stuff in this anime. Currently I watched until episodes 90++
From Left : Zoro[the 3 sword guy],Luffy[the rubber man],Sanji[the chef],Chopper[the doctor], Usopp[the weapon dude (the lier too XD)], Nami[the navigator]
The picture above isLuffy's crew. I personally like Luffy andZoroHEHE.
Now lets talk about movie......
Man I love this movie's final dance damn cool wei. I even uploaded the final sence into Youtube. Here's the video........
Alright people thats all for now! Enjoy the video and stay tune for the next fishing post XD.
Hey! the day of truth is coming ><> SPM 2007's resultis coming out on12th of March 2008. Our future is coming ! Its all in the hand of the result now XD. So people!! Wish Us GOOD LUCKand I hope I get what I want for my result XD or evenBETTER!
Interest or something about me ~~
- Anime Crazy
- Like to find more stuff on programmes and etc about computer
- Don have specific colour
- Love playing Online Game
- Chatting in MSN
- Riding Bike
- Playing my PS2
- Heroes, Smallville, Reaper, Prison Break, Supernatural, Num3er........