Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tada tata ta ta!! Puppy Power.....

Ok let me introduce you to my new dog in my family...

Name : Nikkie
Age : 9 weeks old
Sex : Female
Type : Beagle
Colour : Black, Brown and White

She was adopt 3 weeks ago. Its was Saturday. Right after I came back from University, I saw a dog in my house then I realize that my sis has finally found her dog. LOL Well at the beginning, she planed to adopt a puppy which will not grow into big size. So we looking around at few pet shop to see which type of dog we wanted. Then they saw this dog Beagle. Quite cute then she decided to get a Beagle. Well my dad sure agree cause he's a dog lover. But in the other hand, my mom sure desagree because she said that she doesn't want to take care dogs and if my sis is gonna get it she sure let it to mom handdle so that why my mom got this thinking. But in the end my sis still get it.

Ok now lets talk more about Nikkie. She is superactive!! really. This is because Beagle is a hunting dog. She like to run around in the house and outside the house. Since she is still young, she likes to bite stuff. And now she got few items which is now belong to her to bite. A golf ball, stones which is beside the small fish pond outside the house, and a bone toy for dog. Eventhough she have this much to play, she always get bored easily with her toys or should say her-bite-toy. She barks when she is going to "pu" . Nikkie stay in a cage which located outside of the house. But at the 1st week she stay inside the house. Here some pictures I took when she was playing ...

Sniff around...

I can fly.....

"I'm a guard dog.."

Here comes Nikkie!

She hides at there when she did something wrong LOL

biting leaves

Run Nikkie RUN!!!!!

*sniff sniff*

And here's a photo I edit from one of the photos

( the 'e' I forgot to put last time )

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