Friday, May 23, 2008

140 km/h SPEED AHEAD!!!

Yahooooo ! Ding! Tat! Dik! TAT! bambambambam! (drum + electric guitar's sound effect xD ) Madness! Woohoo. LOL Ok Last Wednesday, I woke up late which is around 9.30 a.m. Don't know why so tired. Suddenly my dad come in to my room ask me want to go Malacca. Then I was like freaking blur cause just woke up and what?? Go Malacca at 11 a.m later? WOW... Then I said ok since I have nothing better much to do. After went back from CIMB to open a bank account, the whole family decided to go since my sis also nothing to do that day LOL. My dad want me to drive to Malacca I was like WHAT? I haven't even can handle his car [Nissan's Cefiro] .

This is my dad's car[ But his one is black in colour]

LOL so there we go! My longest journey of my driving distance xD to Malacca! Ok my dad telling me how to drive on high way and stuff. So there is 3 lanes on the road. As you know if you know xD most left lane is slow lane, mid is steady lane, right is HiGh oops i mean fast lane xD. Woohoo me driving ok then my dad say not fast enough. Ok.. So I speed up from 80 km/h. Then the speed keep increasing...increasing...increasing.... WAIT I'm at 140 km/h ! Shit ! The signboard says speed limit 11o km/h LOL damn.

Ok almost reach the place my dad take over cause he also not quite sure where is it =.= He say that he always took the wrong lane to his office LOL [Malacca one] After pick up one of his staff, he bought us to a restaurant. Have you ever eat chicken rice that the rice is in the shape of balls?

Those are not fish balls its rice balls LOL

Ya after had launch went to dad's office then bla bla bla, then went to see the warship/old ship and the red christ church of Malacca to take pictures...

red building xD

The racing team of Tricycles LoL [not]

My long lost pirate ship xD

fountain...make a wish? haha

Ok this is the weirdest picture angle of mine taken by my sis LOL CACAT!

Here's my very own made chocolate apple [made in Nikko hotel] LOL

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